A Day Trip to Wall, SD and the Badlands

A Favorite Stop in South Dakota

July 20, 2017, was our day to visit one of the best-known sites to see in South Dakota, The Wall Drug Store, in Wall, SD.  We left our camp site at Farm Island State Park about 10:30 a.m. and got back about 10:40 p.m.  It was a long day but full of new things to see!

We traveled about 120 miles before we made the Wall.  Of course, we were hungry.  So, we found The Red Rock Restaurant, on Glenn St., which appealed to me!  Roasted chicken and a salad bar and we were ready to mix with the crowd at Wall Drug. 

We noted there was a small casino attached to the restaurant.  We saw a lot of that through South Dakota.  Some are in gas stations, as well.  You do not have to travel far to gamble.

Shopping and “Free Ice Water”

Years ago, Wall Drug was known for giving patrons free ice water.  Also, they still have coffee for five cents!  And, the donuts are VERY good!

Donut and Coffee at Wall Drug

Most of the shops in town are owned by the same owners as The Wall Drug Store.  However, The Wall Drug Store is quite large with connecting doorways to what must have been a series of shops many years ago. 

Going in for Black Hills Gold!

I found a SD keychain and a Buffalo hide billfold, with a buffalo nickel on it.  Then, I found a birthday gift for Connie, a set of Black Hills Gold and Sapphire earrings!

Considering the temperature was near 100 degrees, the Store must have a very good air conditioner.  Plus, they have an awning over the sidewalk on the West side of the Store. 

The Wall Drug Backyard

The whole environment was one of having fun, both in the store and out.  They have an area for kids to play, called the Backyard.  We got some fun pictures.  After all, we are just old kids!

The famous Wall Drug Store!
Ride the Jackalope
Ride ’em Cowgirl!
Get that fat man off me!

There is a constant flow of people through the Drug Store.  The parking lots were full most of the time, with RVs and Buses, besides the flood of cars and trucks.  Since they are a short distance from the Badlands National Park, that may account for all the traffic!

Lots of Good People Go to the Badlands

We added ice to our cooler before going to the Badlands.  It was hot and the loop was about 26 miles, which does not sound like much except for the photo stops every mile or so.  The tour lasted about three and a half hours.  And, we got to use our Senior Parks Pass for the first time!

Enter the Badlands N. P.
Lots of prairie dogs!
Contrasts in the Badlands
An observation point in the Badlands
Smiling in the Badlands

There are mostly rock formations which reveal upheavals and desolate terrain.  Unique views that changed with different vantage points.  We took lots of pictures, too many to share here.

Short on Time!

We had to watch the clock.  The Farm Island park closes at 11 p.m.  We managed to get back to Pierre by 10:30 p.m., which allowed us time to drive through McDonalds to get ice cream cones on the way.  The line for ice cream was too long at Wall Drug during our visit.

What a day!  The events of the day had us keyed up.  After a shower, we watched TV until after midnight.

Friday is for Fishing!

We recovered from our long day on the road by sleeping in until after 9:30 a.m.  Then, Connie fixed a big breakfast of eggs, ham, potatoes, orange juice, and toast.  What a treat for me! 

Ready to fish!

It had rained during the night.  So, it was humid.  However, we were willing to sweat and try our luck fishing along the causeway to Farm Island.  I tied my fishing wagon to my tricycle (the old kid again) and we continued our competition.  We tired of fishing as the heat increased but we both caught a bluegill.  The score is now Connie 6 and Glenn 5.

We need to go to town.

We went into Pierre to get supplies after cleaning up.  We were being considerate of others.  While we were in town, I went to the local Ford dealer to get a backup key made for our truck.  Connie got a haircut. 

And, as a reward for being so diligent with our efforts, we went to Zesto to share a large peach cobbler sundae.  Wow!  That was so good!

Pierre is hot!

It was 102 degrees when we got back to the RV.  Our door was facing west.  So, we put foil over the door window and a sun shade over the west facing bedroom window, to help cool down the RV.  It helped. 

We stayed in and ate a cold supper and watched TV while looking online for numbers to call on Saturday for future RV park stays.

First work, then, play!

We spent a good portion of Saturday morning making reservations in Wyoming and Colorado.  Connie’s son, Jason, lives in Ft. Collins, CO, with his wife and two daughters.  We planned to visit them, though, they were going to be camping near Garden of the Gods with their motorhome, with friends from Overland Park, KS, when we were planning to be in the same area.

We settled on an RV park, near Woodland Park, CO, at an elevation of 8,500 ft.  We just hoped the grade would not be too steep to make daily ventures to surrounding sites over a week. 

After that mental workout, we were ready to venture over to the causeway to do more fishing.  We each caught a bluegill, again.  Now, it is Connie 7 and Glenn 6.

Supplies are low, sound the alarm!

After a light lunch, we surmised that we needed more bait, ice, and fuel.  So, we headed to Pierre.  With supplies in hand, including meat to grill, we splurged and had a large peach cobbler sundae, each!  What a diet buster.  This would have to be the last one!  (Which we enjoyed immensely!)

Peach Cobbler Sundaes from Zesto Ice Cream shop – Pierre

Back at camp, I cooked, over the fire pit, chicken thighs, tri-tip steak, and a pork roast.  We should have meat for a week!

The Competition Continues

After dinner, we went fishing again.  Connie caught a small channel cat.  I caught a nice white bass.  However, I have a rule that I will not filet fish unless I have two or more keepers.  We only had one.  Score is now Connie 8 and Glenn 7.  I cannot catch up!

White Bass at Farm Island

The bugs drove us back to our camp site, after dark.  Luckily, I had a light on a band around my cap to show us the way home.  We stayed up sitting by a fire, watching the weekend campers and the starry sky.  With so many campers, we could not get a shower.  So, we settled with a sponge bath…

Sunday brings concerns

We fished again, Sunday, morning.  One small fish apiece.  Score is Connie 9 and Glenn 8.

We rode the tricycles on the trail on Farm Island, again.  We did well but needed a nap, later.

We went into Pierre to get supplies and fuel for departure, tomorrow.  Yes, we had ice cream, again, but only a cone! 

While driving around, we hit a dip in the road which was quite a jolt.  Then, while driving back to camp, I noticed a looseness in the steering.  I looked the front end over but could not see any damage.  However, I did not sleep well that night.

Forge ahead…

I called my mechanic back in Kansas City for advice the next morning and took steps to reassure myself that nothing major was wrong.  Nothing was loose.  And, there was no looseness in the steering while driving around the loop before hooking up for the move.

Whew!  I feel better but will drive slower, just in case.  Our next stop is Heartland RV Park, near Hermosa, which is about 15 miles south of Rapid City, SD.  That, of course, puts us near Mt. Rushmore, etc.  So, until then, safe travels!