Chimney Rock, WPA, and the Mayo Clinic

Resting up for morning coffee!

This was day two for our stay at the White River State Park, MN.  We slept in until after 9.  It is great to be able to do that on a Wednesday, since we are retired!  Coffee outside while we made plans for the day. 

I had noticed a rocky beach area in a park setting nearby that I could try to fish, which was near “Chimney Rock”, a destination for a trail up to a high cliff.  That would be our morning activity.

Fishing with Honkers

We packed equipment and snacks and headed to the beach area to try fishing.  I just got started when two girls and their black lab walked by us and the dog broke loose and began chasing the flock of Canadian Geese grazing in the grass near the beach.  As geese do, they headed for the water, honking all the way.  The ensuing splashing of both geese and dog were enough to make me give up hope of catching any fish until all calmed down again.  So, I took the fishing poles back to the truck and refilled our water bottles for our trip up to Chimney Rock.

Walking bridge

Thanks to the WPA!

Once again, we were witness to the efforts of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) for the stone work in this park.  There were many rock walls and stone bridges over the river.  We walked over a very nice walking bridge to get to the path for the climb to Chimney Rock. 

Stone steps to Chimney Rock

The path up to Chimney Rock included 180 stone outlined steps, with occasional stone benches for rest stops.  That may not sound like much, until you start climbing that steep grade on a hot day!

Rest on the path
We made it
Trails end – Chimney Rock

We made the climb.  Connie was much better than I was at climbing.  I had the walking stick which helped a LOT!  As Connie and I rested on a big rock by the trail, feeling proud of ourselves, a young lady, carrying a baby in a carrier in front with another child trailing behind, came up the trail at a fast pace touched the Chimney Rock and started back down without stopping except for a quick chat as she hurried past us to get back to the bottom.  We were not sure we could have ever done that in our younger years.  It was impressive!

Looking down on White River

We labored to get down but the breeze high on the hill was much better than the valley below.  The views of the river through the shade of the tree limbs made the climb worthwhile.  Now, we have experienced the featured site of the park.

Rest, then Rochester

Back at the RV, we collapsed into our recliners to rest before making a lunch of watermelon and burgers.  Remarkably, I did not need a nap.  However, we felt the need for a shower before heading to Rochester, MN, the home of the Mayo Clinic.

The Clinic and Hospital are in downtown Rochester, with several hotels surrounding that area.  They are the center piece to the city.  We were impressed.

We had shopping to do, also.  I needed a lockable container to fit at the rear of the truck bed to hold oil, washer fluid, anti-freeze, etc.  We had bought one from Lowe’s before but they did not have the size we needed.  Across the street, at Target, we found the one we needed while getting other supplies.  Imagine that…

Nearby, we found a Red Lobster and it was dinner time and we had a coupon!  We like coupons! 

We stopped to fuel the truck at an Amish store, with a bakery and restaurant.  They had a MN state magnet, which Connie gets for our metal map of the US, and I found a MN key chain, which I collect.

Back at the RV, we made time to sit outside and reflect on the events of the day…

Our last day at White River State Park, MN

It is Thursday, July 13, 2017.  Connie is up early, before the 7:30 a.m. alarm.  She is much better about getting up early than me.  She often gets up before me and turns the coffee pot on while she lays back in the recliner to wait on me and the coffee.  The bedroom is in the front of our RV and the recliners are in the rear.  The coffee maker is in the middle.  Sometimes, she is able to go outside and finish a cup of coffee before I get up.  Her mind is off and running before I can get mine in first gear!

Since this was our last day in camp, I had to make another attempt to catch a trout.  I covered a wider area but to no avail.  Connie met me half-way as I made my trip back to the RV.  She had done some cleaning in the RV in preparation for our departure tomorrow.

Preparing to move to our next RV Park

After a light lunch, Connie downloaded another book for her Kindle Reader and I updated our recap of spending receipts.  By then, with my getting up earlier than normal and trying to fish, including the walk out and back, I was ready for a nap! 

While I was napping, Connie took a longer walk to the river crossing bridge.  When she returned, she laid back in her recliner for a while.  Then, we both got up to put things away and clean the grill to get it back in the belly storage area. 

Supper and reflections by the fire

After a good dinner of pork chops, sweet potato, and zucchini, we had a couple peach wine spritzers.  Then, before our showers, we sat around the fire reflecting on several of the people we had met during our stay here. 

One family was from northern MN.  One couple, from TX, had come in a Mercedes motorhome.  He was a pilot with American Airlines.  They were “testing” RV life before he retires.  The family behind us had one girl and two large dogs.  He works for Hormel and his wife is a teacher, working on her Master’s in Education.  Another was a chance meeting at the showers, where a lady asked Connie for ideas for dishes to cook over an open fire.  She shared the meal we prepared recently of chicken strips cooked in foil with Mexican rice and corn!

Our next stop will get us into the rolling plains of South Dakota

Our planned stops in South Dakota included a week’s stay near Pierre, the Capitol.  We still have to cross the entire state of Minnesota and stay at an RV park just inside South Dakota, near Salem.  New terrain—rolling plains, cattle country.    

Next week, I will reflect on our stay at Camp America RV Park and our visit to the Corn Palace!  Until then, happy travels!