Fishing, Family, Food, and Red Rocks

An Invitation to Dinner

We had arrived at the Ft. Collins KOA, on Thursday, August 10, 2017.  After a scary episode of rain, wind, and hail, we were invited to dinner by Gina.  We had planned to grill but we were very willing to change plans, since we had come to visit with family!  The family included a new puppy, Lottie, who they recently rescued, to replace Mattie, their lovable Lab mix, who died last January.  We all miss her.

Lottie is still in training but she accepted us right away.  They were working on her to ring a bell to go outside.  She seems pretty smart.  Maybe she will do it someday.

Gina had fixed chicken tortellini and salad, along with an olive oil and balsamic vinegar dip for the bread.  Yum!  We discussed what we would do together over the next three days then we drove back to the RV Park.

Friday Morning Fishing

A nice thing about this KOA was the stocked pond where we could fish for free but only catch and release.  And, since we had not done any fishing since leaving the Farm Island Park, in Pierre, SD, I was ready to give it a try.

Soon after I set up on the boat dock, two ladies and their children, came down to try fishing, as well.  However, with all the kids just learning, I could see they needed some help.  I learned the mothers’ names were Cory and Claire.  I helped Cory’s 4-year-old, Abby, the most since she wanted to be my friend.  I must have reminded her of her grandpa.  Everyone was having fun!

Connie came down to check on me but could not stay.  She was working on a creative gift for Gina, whose birthday was today! Soon after she left, I caught a 12” crappie!  Now, our score is evened up again, Connie 8, Glenn 8!

Abby’s feet but my crappie!

Swim with Familiar Faces

After lunch, I decided to go swimming, while Connie finished her project.  The first hour was pretty much just me in the pool.  The water was cold, not heated like the kiddie pool.  Then, the two families, who I had met while fishing, came to share the pool.  Other kids came, as well.  Soon, there was no room to swim laps.  So, I went back to the RV.

A Dinner Concert

It was time to get ready for our evening event with the family.  Connie’s granddaughter, Sabine, played the trumpet in the marching band.  And, they were finishing a band camp with a potluck dinner and concert for the parents.  We brought cookies and pop.  Gina brought a dessert.  We each donated $3 for the pizza.  There was a lot of pizza!  It was a fun time and the band performed very well!

Yes, Sabine is the one with blue hair!

Sabine went with the band to watch a movie as a group.  The rest of us went back to Jason’s house for some wine and some fire pit talk.

Parents Night Out, Thanks to Grandma

Saturday morning, I weighed.  Oops!  I had gained 2 lbs.  I ate too many desserts, last night!  Today’s plan was to have the girls, Sabine and Greta, over for the day and over-night.  Parents’ Night Out!  I expect to get some exercise.  But, can I control my eating?


However, the girls needed to finish their chores.  So, we had some time to kill.  So, Connie and I went fishing.  She caught a bluegill and I caught a bass.  The score is now 9 to 9.  We called.  No, chores were not done.  Okay, what next?

I think I see it…
Me and my bass

Palisade Peaches

Palisade Peaches

On our drive into the KOA, we noted a fruit stand with a truck promoting Palisade Peaches.  A flash from Connie’s past.  Her parents lived in the area of Grand Junction and Palisade in western Colorado, by I-70.  Connie was very young, then, but she remembers her mom talking often about how good the Palisade Peaches were.  We decided to try them out.  We bought a flat for $30, hoping to salvage some for her mom to make a peach cobbler.  We were going to head home after our visit here.  On our drive back from getting the peaches, we took a wrong turn and got lost.  Then, we saw a little coffee shop that seemed worth a try.  The name was “Me Oh My Coffee and Pie’! 

Coffee and pie
Fun at the pie shop

We called.  No, still doing chores.  It is 2 p.m.

At Last, the Fun Begins!

We were happy to pick them up about 3 p.m.  Let the fun begin! 

We swam, did the paddle boats, then, they played in the “bounce” house area, and ended with playing miniature golf.  The KOAs are good about providing play areas for children. 

After supper, we watched a movie of their choice, but we can’t remember what it was.

Sunday, on the Rocks

Connie and the girls got up early, Sunday.  Me, not so much.  The girls were able to do some pickle ball and the bounce area before breakfast.  We were limited on time since we were going as a group to see the Red Rock Theatre (Amphitheatre).  I had been there before.  It was Connie’s first time to see it.

A few years back, I worked in the Denver area over a two-month period and visited the Red Rock Theatre at least three times, including one at night with a full moon.  The seating for the theatre looks over a valley beyond the stage where you can see a large portion of the Denver area.  That was a special moment, but I was by myself.

Imagine this view on a night with a full moon

This was a sunny day that offered some good views, anyway.  We brought in sandwiches to eat while sitting in the theatre, which is on a steep grade.

Near the entrance to Red Rocks
Parking reference point
Welcome signs
The path to entertainment
Gina and the girls after lunch in the stands
Glenn and Connie on the Rocks
Stage left…
Stage right…
Center stage…
We like this place!
Connie, Jason, Sabine, and Lottie
Entrance to the gift shop and museum
Greta — the bear
Read some names you may know
The Red Rocks map
Looks like we should head home!
A nice view of the mountains on our drive back to Ft. Collins

This was our last day before heading back toward the Kansas City area.  I had an appointment to see my doctor and to get shots in my knees to make our trip west feel better, to me.  We were happy to get back to Jason’s in time for him to grill steaks!

Go East Old Man!

We parted company.  So, until we meet again.  We are headed east across Kansas, after one short stay in Colorado.  Until my next post, safe travels!