Swimming, Seven Falls, and the Drive to Ft. Collins

Pool Time and Errands

It is Tuesday, August 8, 2017, not that it matters to us who are retired.  I have to purposely declare what the day is or I lose track of time.

We have two days left at this KOA, in Fountain, CO.  I want to take advantage of the pool and hot tub!

The pool opened at 10 a.m.  And, the sun was out!  I was there by 10:15 a.m.  Connie did laundry, nearby.  I did help by pulling the wagon loaded with laundry and her supplies.  I swam a lot of laps in the pool and had several soaks in the hot tub before noon.

I am walking away after cooling down at the Water Park

We had shopping to do.  So, after lunch, we headed to town to get gifts and groceries.  While in Michael’s, a gully washer type rain fell, the pounding on the roof and the fact we could barely see the truck in the parking lot made us shop a little longer than planned.

After the rain stopped, we went to Culver’s for frozen custard!  Then, back to camp for another swim.  After all, I need to lose some weight and get conditioned for a knee replacement.  My mind is starting to allow that possibility.

I warmed up some meat on the grill for supper and we watched a movie, “Bandeleros”, with Dean Martin and Rachel Welch!

A Little Fun before the Falls

It was cool but sunny as Wednesday began.  I weighed in: 233 lbs., down 13 lbs. from when we began in June!  I was making progress.

We went to the pool, again, from about 10:15 a.m. to noon.  The pool was heated to offset the cool air.  Then, there was the hot tub!  We did some air drying as it warmed up.  We were starting to look tanned!

The Falls in the Rain

Our last sight-seeing adventure before heading to Ft. Collins and a family visit was to see Seven Falls, today. 

The Broadmoor Hotel

Seven Falls is located on the grounds of the Broadmoor Hotel, in Colorado Springs.  It is a well-known location for corporate sales meetings, etc.  You have to park at the Norris Penrose Event Center parking lot and take a shuttle to the Falls entrance.

Gateway to the Falls
Where the tram started up the hill

Seven Falls is a walking park.  From the entrance, we had to walk a narrow path, where others were waiting in line to catch the return shuttle.  There was a light rain and we were glad to be among the few who came prepared for it. 

We came prepared

We caught the tram which went up a paved drive to the ticket booth.  From there, we rode another tram up the mild incline for over a half-mile to where we could take an elevator, inside a cliff, to the observation deck overlooking the Seven Falls.  Some, with youthful knees, opted to walk and climb stairs much closer to the Falls.

Through the looking glass…
Scenic views
Option 1 — Walk Option 2 — Elevator Hmmm…
Mountain Elevator entrance
A view from the deck
You can walk along the Falls
And I could have taken these steps to the Observation Deck
Just us and the Seven Falls!
One of my favorite views from the Deck
The last zip stop!

There were many photo opts on the deck and the trip back down for our shuttle ride back.  We had stopped at the gift shop for burnt-sugar almonds.  And, we waited for a break in the rain sitting on the covered porch, with a family from Japan.  We were entertained by those who had paid extra to come down from the hill top on a zip line!

A flash from the past
A view from the Gift Shop porch
The fast way down!
From platform to ground
On the tram going down from the Falls

Love on the way to Supper

Back at the truck, we took Love Avenue, which ran through a very nice neighborhood, back to Hwy 115.  Nearby, we had supper at Panera’s and did some other shopping to prepare for out move, tomorrow.

A rainbow appears

Upon our return to the KOA, we had a break in the rain and the clouds long enough to see the glow of the sunset behind the mountains.

Sunset in progress
A mix of clouds, sun, and mountains

The movie for the night was “An Eye for An Eye”, with Chuck Norris, my man!

Our Home on the Move

We tend to by-pass our usual morning routines, on moving day:  cups of coffee outside, when weather permits; a hearty breakfast and our daily vitamins and minerals; and, allowing a few minutes for a daily devotion.  We are not in the habit of attending church but feel a need to remind and reinforce our basic beliefs and the reading of Scripture.

We did not rest well due to the strong wind, rain, and thunder, during the night.  I had to sweep standing water off the tops of the sliders, which means that I climb the rear ladder to the top of the RV and crawl around to each of the three sliders with a mop in hand.  Fun times.

Some Moves Are Smoother than Others

This was Thursday, August 10, 2017.  And, our drive through Colorado Springs, on I-25, proved to be more difficult than expected.  As we learned, listening to the radio, there was an annual bike race going on with major exits blocked to limit traffic in certain areas.  Traffic was backed up and moving slow in BOTH directions!

Bike Race traffic in Colorado Springs

We experienced a couple of much shorter delays going through Denver.  However, we had a mostly sunny day for travel.  A break from the rain.

At Ft. Collins, the GPS proved difficult to follow with road construction.  So, we turned it off.  I am sure we traveled a few miles out of our way.  Once we reached the KOA and set up, the sky had clouded up and it started to rain, again.  Just as I made it into the RV, it started to hail, with a strong wind beating the back window on the RV.  It was exciting!

Hail at the Ft. Collins KOA

The weather calmed down soon after that.  It was about 3 p.m. and I was planning to cook supper on the grill, when we got a call from Gina and an invitation to dinner at their house.

Visiting Family is Great!

The fact that some family members have moved away and us living in an RV creates a fun scenario.  That is a good reason to travel!  More on this visit in the next post.  Until then, safe travels!