Warm Your Bones in Phoenix

A Quick Note About Our Stay in Williams, AZ

Williams had a sign noting they were the last town bypassed by Interstate 40.  They were on the old Route 66 (US Highway 66).

In my last post, I mentioned that we ate at Café 66 but I did not show a picture.  I am adding one this time.  It was a fun atmosphere and good food!

A reflection on history with the Mother Road!
A fun place to eat lunch in William, AZ
Eat good at Cafe 66!

The Grand Canyon Railroad Hotel and RV Park was a nice place to stay.  However, it is fully paved with no fire pits.  Although, with cool weather, we had the next best thing, an electric fireplace in our RV!

All pavement, no fire rings

Cool Mountains to Sunny Desert

After leaving Williams, AZ, on November 2, 2017, we made our way to Cotton Lane RV and Mobile Home Resort, in Goodyear, AZ, on the south side of Phoenix and just off Interstate 10.

We were driving downhill all the way to Phoenix
There was a walking trail at the rest area at the edge of the desert
But, we opted not to go for a walk!
The terrain became more desolate
Mountains became buttes
RV Park terrain
Cotton Lane RV and Mobile Home Resort is mostly gravel and asphalt

The RV sites were so tight that we were limited as to how far out we could extend our awning!  However, the indoor pool and hot tub made me ignore all that.  We headed to the pool shortly after getting settled.

We met another couple in the pool and we talked about RV parks in the south to consider for winter quarters.  However, he was an engineer who works 6 months per year.  Since he was still working, we figured that we could not afford to stay where he was suggesting.

A Rest to Face the Real World

Our first full day in the Sunbelt was a scheduled maintenance day.  We would play every day, if we had a maid!

We were still making adjustments to our RV life.  After many runs for ice over the past five months, we decided to buy an ice maker.  We paid $140 for it, with the added warranty, at Camping World, in Flagstaff, AZ.  However, it will pay for itself over a fairly short time.  In addition, we started using tap water instead of bottled water.  We were becoming more daring!

A Revelation About Time

I woke up early, that day, with the recognition of all the things that needed to be addressed.  I was compelled to start making a daily list of things to do.  I was feeling the need to be a better time manager!

That is a hard realization for a guy who is recently retired.  Maintenance is a necessary chore and I had to make time for it.  And, if nothing else, we had to figure out a spot to lay over for winter!

It was 71 degrees as we started that day, with an expected high of 81 degrees.  That was ideal weather to get things done.  And, it was easy to smile through the work with sunshine all day!

We cleaned in the RV and the truck.  Then, we ate lunch and took a nap (my favorite chore!).  After that, we went to the Activity building for Connie to get online and for me to swim.

When we got back to the RV, we met a crew washing a neighboring RV and made a deal to get ours washed and waxed and UV Protection put on the roof.  They would start at 9 a.m., the next day.

Dining Out!

It was Friday, our usual day to eat dinner out.  Our intent was to eat at a Texas Roadhouse.  However, it was packed with a long line outside.

So, we drove around looking for a place with no waiting line.  We were about to give up when we spotted a Village Inn.  They are a chain and I used to eat at one in Overland Park, KS.  I liked their breakfast for lunch!  It was not crowded and the coffee was great!  Connie had meatloaf and I had a corned beef sandwich with clam chowder.

We were running later than planned due to the time it took to find a place to eat.  However, we were able to get back in time to catch a couple of our favorite Friday night TV shows—Hawaii Five 0 and Blue Bloods!

Sundown in the Park

Wash the RV and…

The next day, Saturday, we prepared to take our online devices to the Activity Center, where the wi-fi was available, while our RV was being washed.

We wandered a bit in our online efforts and we were interrupted several times with passers-by conversations.  We were there from 10:30 a.m. to about 2:30 p.m.

Then, we went to check on the RV.  The washing was done but the wax guy was just arriving.  Before he could start, Connie noticed specs on the sides of the RV that she did not want covered with wax.  Apparently, they were from road work tar, I guess.  So, we skipped the wax and went on to the UV Protection on the roof and the tires!

We Have New Neighbors

After supper, we sat outside and visited with our new neighbors, David and Betty Gonzales, who had moved in that day.  They were from Santa Clara, CA and were here for the Nascar Race on the following Sunday.  However, they would move to the racetrack on Monday, after filling their fresh water tank and gassing up their generator. 

We got into a lively discussion about how each couple met, our ancestry, careers, etc.  David’s family came from Spain, not Mexico.  They were butchers by trade and had their own shop and did catering to college sporting events and for contractors.  And, David built and lived in a house boat!

Sunday and We Had Plans That Changed

We geared up for driving to Saguaro Lake to preview what fishing we might do, next time through.  And, we decided to drive by the Desert Botanical Garden, first.  And, it looked too nice to pass up. 

We were intrigued!

Admission with a senior discount was $21.50 each.  It was worth it!  We walked around for more than three hours, not leaving until after 3 p.m.  Luckily, Connie had put a roast in the crock pot before we left.  So, supper was nearly done by the time we got back.

A lot of cacti
A desert flower
I wonder if the bees make it out to the desert
Some unusual flowers
Ah, yes, the butterflies!
A good variety
The butterflies had lots of room
Moths are important too!
Our lunch stop
This was yummy!
We met this guy in the Garden
Many unusual cacti
They were celebrating the Day of the Dead at the Garden that day.
A palm in the garden

We did share a wrap and a bowl of fruit at the Garden.  I should note that I did not know there were that many types of cacti and palm trees. 

Another Visit with Our Neighbors

After supper, we visited with Dave and Betty, again.  We found that they had been through some trials of their own.  They had two kids but they had contracted MS and died at 16 and 17 years old respectively.  They have their house and his mom’s house.  Together they are worth over a million dollars.  They rent his mom’s house for about $3,500/month, which pays for their RV and truck and travel expenses!  (Good for them!)

They are hard-working, enjoyable people.  We had made some good friends!  They gave us some good tips and some history of the Bay area.  And, we gave them information about the Grand Canyon Railroad.

Lessons from David

The next morning, Monday, we talked with David and Betty as they prepared to move out to the racetrack and do some primitive camping (no hookups for sewer or electricity).  We noted that David used some magnetic rods with tennis balls on the end to help line up the truck hitch to the trailer pinion.  And, I learned about the friction disc that David had added to his pinion to reduce friction on the fifth wheel hitch.

Though we exchanged contact information, they never responded, later.  And, we realized that we did not take their picture.  A missed opportunity.  David had some health issues, which made us think that if he went down Betty would have been overwhelmed with all they had going on.

Our Own Busy Day – To Move Tomorrow

We had essential shopping to do and laundry to do that did not leave us time to go by the racetrack to see our neighbors.  While Connie did the laundry, I swam 20 laps, taking advantage of the pool and the hot tub. 

I thought I would crash after supper but was able to stay up to watch a movie.  We were to travel to Dessert Hot Springs, CA, tomorrow.  I would need a nap along the way.

California or Bust!

We would be 10 days at our next stop in southern California and there would plenty to see and do.  I will share more about that in my next post.  Until then, safe travels!